Ignore file lines in git

For example, you have this code and you want to ignore in git lines which contain username and password values:

def ssh_connect
  username = "root" # ignore this line
  password = "password" # ignore this line too
  ip = ""
  # ...

To ignore some special lines in git you need to:

  1. Create a .gitattributes in your repository (remember that .gitattributes will be committed into the repository, if you don’t want that, add it to .git/info/attributes)
  2. Add *.rb filter=ignoreline (run filter named ignoreline on all *.rb files)
  3. Now, we need to define ignoreline filter in .gitconfig
  4. git config --global filter.ignoreline.clean "sed '/#ignoreline$/'d" (delete theses lines)
  5. git config --global filter.ignoreline.smudge cat (do nothing when pulling file from the repository)

And then, you can ignore some lines using #ignoreline comment:

def ssh_connect
  username = "root" #ignoreline
  password = "password" #ignoreline
  ip = ""
  # ...

Happy hacking!